xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' Facebook Timeline Guides: Facebook Tetris Battle application guides

Friday, April 27, 2012

Facebook Tetris Battle application guides

One of the Application games in Facebook Timeline is Tetris battle, this is a game that able to play with different kinds of play like 2players, 4players and many more. by playing Tetris in Facebook able you to invite your friends as one of your enemy. by playing Facebook Tetris, you can invite your friends who is also playing Tetris battle and you can also help them by giving them some items that useful in games like in Farmville Zynga.

How to play Tetris?
This the game which you can put the puzzle keys to form horizontally or vertically line. you need to put a keys into the line to make you score. by playing this, you need a strategy to make this game fun and eliminator the opponent. unlike tetris in Gameboy nintendo, Facebook Tetris able you to win multiple times and able to gain more KO's. the more KO's the better. also their is bomb in the game once you point in that bomb you can add some block into your opponent game board.

Have Cheat in this Game?
Yes, but when you do some cheat in this game you are not enjoying the game. instead your just playing like a cheater.

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